April 20, 2021, Oct 27, 2021
The Gilchrist Soil & Water Conservation District (GSWCD) held a regularly scheduled monthly meeting on April 20, 2021 with the following Supervisors in attendance: Jeff Reed Chairperson, Jack Cook Co-Chairperson, Brett Crawford Supervisor, Myles Langford Supervisor, Darrell Smith County Commissioner, Amy Smith NRCS, Joe Mackenzie Forestry, Katrina Pace Administrator, Jason Duval Private Citizen, and Barton Wilder Private Citizen on Phone.
I. Meeting called Order: Chairperson Jeff Reed called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm.
II. Approval of Minutes – Supervisor Crawford motioned to file, seconded by Supervisor Cook, all approved.
III. Approval of Financials – Supervisor Crawford motioned to approve, seconded by Supervisor Langford all approved.
IV. Partners Report
V. FDACS – Barton Wilder Said the Contracts will be executed in May. The Department of Financial Services is requiring a potential project list in order to receive advance money for FY2021-22. OAWP Has a new Deputy Director. GSWCD’s grant application through the Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership (SARP)was not approved. If the district is interested, they can reapply in the fall.
NRCS – Amy Smith went over Florida Local Working Group Survey. Amy also gave the USDA report.
SRWMD – Not in attendance
AFCD – Not in attendance
V. Staff Reports
Administrator-Katrina Pace
Let the board know we have our new copy machine. AFCD gave Jason furniture for his office down south. We gave $100 to each Land Judging Team that went to state and paid for their lunch $270.35.
The Tri-County Fair Boosters we donated $1000.00. We gave Bell’s FFA $720 for their Chapter Steers and Trenton received $350 for their Chapter Hog and Goat.
We had three contestants in our Speech Contest all from Bell High School. Carleigh Newsom Winner, Bertha Sutterfield 2nd place and Kiara Cobb 3rd place.
Our Poster Contest Winners are Christain Fussell K-1, Linden Teague 4-6 and Laina Teague 10-12
Conservation Tech
Jason Duval talked about doing IV’s and Cost Share.
VI. Old Business
a. Caps
VII. New Business
a. We had two Scholarship applications but neither one will be attending an Ag related education.
b. Stewardship Banquet Tuesday September 3rd
c. Raise for the Technicians Supervisor Cook made a motion to wait on FDACS Supervisor Crawford 2nd, all approved.
d. Supervisor Cook made a motion pay for Katrina Pace room for the Area 2 meeting June 23rd and June 24th, Supervisor Langford 2nd and all approved.
e. Supervisor Cook made a motion to purchase more Rain Gauges, supervisor Crawford 2nd, all approved.